What are some of the secrets of successful people? Have you ever found yourself wondering what are some of the habits of entrepeneurs that have ‘made it’? And just where do they seem to find the extra time and energy in their day to get through all that needs to be done? Ambition and a great idea sometimes isn’t enough. We caught up with Joanna Riley and Elizabeth Zaborowska, 2 women who are champions in the tech game, to see what makes them tick! We met the ladies in the beautiful Bay Area, home to techie haven, Silicon Valley. Joanna and Elizabeth talk to us about their business theories, how they started their journey and also show off their skills in their respective extreme hobbies! Joanna takes us on a kite-surfing adventure, while Elizabeth revs her engine on her Harley-Davidson.
(2 to 4 pages)
Photos by Bukumi Grace / Text by Ida Hsiang