What does a woman love about a man? Some are attracted to a muscular physique while others are suckers for a pretty face. In every culture around the world, the ideal of male beauty takes many forms. Whether he is blonde-haired and blue-eyed or tall, dark, and exotic, there is a woman behind every handsome man who can make him feel like the most beautiful and special man in the world. Masculinity, sensitivity, and confidence are just a few universally desirable qualities, but physical beauty is in the eye of the beholder. From a Brazilian hunk to a tattooed Milanese lover to a classically handsome surfer in Queensland, Australia, gorgeous couples from around the world talk about beauty, attraction, and trust, showing that finding the perfect chemistry can bring a life rich with true love.
Photography by: Larissa Felsen, Giancarlo Marino, Julie Gesyuk, Nat Lanyon, Victoria Carlqvist, Victoria Slagel, Chris Johnston, Benson Muthee, Marco Graziosi / Sette Secondi Circa, Jonathan Schlingemann