Sundar! Inside Cool Hunt’s Priyanka Chopra Shoot

It’s no secret that Quantico‘s Priyanka Chopra is beautiful (Sundar in Hindi), and if beauty is both physical and spiritual, then Chopra is indeed “prerna sundar” (beautiful inspiration, roughly translated). The actress has proven her merit by playing the lead for three seasons on the hard-charging ABC (in the US) series. Chopra’s portrayal of a presumably innocent, […]

Girls’ Weekend Hobbies

  Teenage girls from around the world can agree on one thing – there’s nothing quite like weekend fun after a busy week at school studying for pop quizzes, rushing to finish homework and waking up early for class. Weekends are a time when teens can enjoy their friends, family and those extracurricular activities that they […]

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I Launched A Concept Shop!

Concept shops can make a shopping experience so special.  Well-edited and a personal expression of the woman behind an idea, these shops become go-to destinations for inspiration and treasure-hunting.  From a New York woman with a passion for exotic flowers, to a Shanghai tea connoisseur, to a London duo whose eye for art and design […]