The Amazing Stan Lee

If there is any man as superhuman as Spiderman, The Hulk, Ironman, The X-Men, and all the rest of the heroes of the Marvel Universe, that man is for sure, Stan Lee.  Co-creating about 90% of Marvel’s characters with the likes of artists Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, now Stan’s superheroes and supervillains are are […]

Hollywood Players

Hollywood is an almost mythical place that has captured the amazement of people around the world for almost a century. It’s created a global culture of fame and celebrity that is unparalleled, and it’s changed the way millions of people look at entertainment.  Actors and actresses live in a fantastical world of glamour which millions […]

New York’s Most Spellbinding Psychics

Historically, businesses that dealt with fortune-telling, curiosities and the occult were seen as dark, mysterious and forbidden. Today, however, these fields are an accepted part of modern society – most notably in New York City, a renowned melting pot of unique cultures and beliefs. New York’s finest psychics and curiosity shop owners possess a diverse […]

The World’s Sweetest Dessert Chefs

There must be no sweeter job on earth than being a world-class dessert chef.  In haute cuisine, dessert has the power to take the center stage when the chef behind the scenes has the vision, passion, and talent to execute artfully decadent confectionery creations.  And in kitchens that are typically dominated by male chefs, it’s […]

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I Launched A Concept Shop!

Concept shops can make a shopping experience so special.  Well-edited and a personal expression of the woman behind an idea, these shops become go-to destinations for inspiration and treasure-hunting.  From a New York woman with a passion for exotic flowers, to a Shanghai tea connoisseur, to a London duo whose eye for art and design […]

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I’m My Own Boss

Women all over the world have come a long way from being confined to the role of “homemaker”.  Today, not only do they have full-fledged careers, but many have maximized their ambitions by starting their own businesses.  In LA, a vintage boutique owner went from telemarketing to dressing top celebrity clientele and inspiring collections by Marc […]