Rio Olympics Travel Story

This August, the Olympics will be in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. But where should you stay and eat when going there? And with so many different beaches, which one is the most beautiful? A culture flourishes in Rio de Janeiro, a waterfront society of runners and bicyclists and tanners in bright bathing suits.  At Ipanema, […]

AirBnB: Changing The Culture of Global Travel

The rent-a-room model of AirBnb has brought global travel to the masses.  A culture-changing concept, AirBnB allows everyday people to cure their wanderlust on a dime through opening up their homes to fellow travelers, and relying on strangers across the globe for affordable lodging abroad.  The site is turning travel lifestyle on its head: with […]

L.A. Confidential

Los Angeles has long been a city with a flawed reputation. Some people see it as a haven where the rich and famous go to behave badly, while others see it as the birthplace of lowbrow cultural phenomena like reality TV and over-the-top action movies. Despite being the historic home of the film industry, the city […]

Celebrity Street Fashion

  At fashion week, the show is as much off the runway as it is onstage. Before the show, after the show, backstage, on the streets, celebrities show off amazing clothes with major panache. Front-row stars including  Salma Hayek, Katy Perry, Amanda Seyfried, Taylor Swift, Jessica Chastain and Naomi Watts are captured in the season’s […]

Fashion’s New Trend Makers

Historically, fashion entrepreneurs have followed one tried-and-true career trajectory: they worked as a designer and launched their own clothing company. Today, however, the advent of the internet and an increasingly global market mean that an entrepreneur can instead create her own unique formula for success. One inspired idea, combined with a distinct need in the […]

Robert De Niro

There are two sides to Robert De Niro. One is the legendary actor, the quintessential American movie star. We all know his movies and his famous lines. Even the different expressions of his face are iconic. And then there’s De Niro the traveler and entrepreneur, which many people don’t know about. De Niro takes launching […]

Arabian Lights of Qatar

Just across the Persian Gulf from the famously ritzy city of Dubai, Doha is the new megalopolis of the Middle East.  Through the vision of Sheikh Hamad Al-Thani, the Arab state of Qatar has built Doha’s cityscape and scene, which emerges to rival the standby destinations of the world’s most affluent.  The city’s mystery is […]